Brief Declaration of Our Christian Belief

We believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God was sacrificed on the cross to atone for our sins and with his Holy Spirit will teach and guide us to have enter the Kingdom of God for everlasting life. Our life on earth should be spent fulfilling God’s purpose and doing the work of Jesus Christ. We believe the foundation of our faith is the “Old Testament” with the 10 Commandments given to Moses by God and continued with our savior, Jesus Christ, in the “New Testament”.

When Jesus was asked which are the greatest commandments, his reply was to Love God with whole heart and mind and Love Your Neighbor as you love yourself. These two commandments mark the difference between the Old and New Testament by the word Love. The word Love also explains, who we are as the congregation of Family Fellowship Center and our relationship with God and among each other.
Our Christian briefs are practiced every Sunday morning with the profound wisdom of the Word of the Lord to aid and comfort us through our journey of life. Our journey of life will end eventually in time in the presence of God. This is why practicing our Christian faith is so important. We believe in practicing our faith 364 days a year both in and out of Church as a natural way of living with immediate personal rewards and allow us to enter the Kingdom of God by leading a good life.